OS :
Version :3.2
Size :54.49Mb
Updated :Mar 24,2017
Developer :Beijing Xiangbar Technology Ltd.
Ask AI
You can ask the AI some questions about the app
Based on the app's description, here are three topics that users may discuss online, turned into questions: 1. What features do you hope to see added to the app to improve your financial planning experience? 2. How do you plan to use the app to manage your expenses and track your daily finances? 3. Have you noticed any accuracy issues or bugs in the app, and how do you think they can be addressed?
Q1What features do you hope to see added to the app to improve your financial planning experience?Ask AI
Q2How do you plan to use the app to manage your expenses and track your daily finances?Ask AI
Q3Have you noticed any accuracy issues or bugs in the app, and how do you think they can be addressed?Ask AI
Pros and Cons from users' feedback
Based on the user reviews of the app, here are three pros and three cons in English, each limited to 15 words:
1Users appreciate the app's simple and easy-to-use interface that helps them track their habits.
2Many praise the variety of habits and activities available to track, making it customizable.
3The app is helpful for building discipline and developing good habits in users' daily lives.
1Some users find the app's limited customization options restrictive and frustrating.
2Several reviewers experience recurring bugs and glitches that disrupt their use.
3A few users report the app's lack of reminders makes it easy to forget to track habits.
Based on the user reviews of the app, here are three pros and three cons in English, each limited to 15 words: **Pros:** 1. Users appreciate the app's "simple and easy-to-use interface" that helps them track their habits. 2. Many praise "the variety of habits and activities" available to track, making it customizable. 3. The app is "helpful for building discipline and developing good habits" in users' daily lives. **Cons:** 1. Some users find the app's "limited customization options" restrictive and frustrating. 2. Several reviewers experience "recurring bugs and glitches" that disrupt their use. 3. A few users report the app's "lack of reminders" makes it easy to forget to track habits.
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App Survey
  • Do you think the payment of application features affects the experience?
  • Why do you uninstall an app?
  • Which of the following elements are very important to the mobile app experience?
  • How big is the application size you can accept
持咒念佛, 计数积累, 一能收心, 二防退转 每日报数, 及时回向, 共修共业, 智慧人生 八万四千-学佛修行助手 帮助佛友记录每一天的念佛、持咒、佛经等修行功课; 方便日常功课管理,软件具有功课管理、提醒回向、屏幕计数、群组共修等功能。 【特色功能】 - 佛经大全: 心经 大悲咒 地藏经 阿弥陀佛圣号 金刚萨埵心咒 内置200多项佛经大全 - 也可自定义功课 念佛经 持咒 拜佛 抄经 各类功课都可方便记录 - 自定义回向文 及时回向 留住功德 - 功课可设置隐私状态 设定发心目标 设置备注 - 与共修群师兄一同修行 自动统计佛经念诵总数和排名 - 关注好友 随喜赞叹功课修行 - 屏幕快捷计数器 随时计数 随时报数 - 功课定时提醒 养成修行习惯 - 数据加密云端保存 永不丢失 【八万四千】 八万四千法门,佛学术语,出《贤劫经》 八万四千法门者。昔佛告喜王菩萨。修习行法。自第一光耀。乃至分舍利。凡三百五十度无极法门。一一法门。各有布施持戒忍辱精进禅定智慧之六度。共成二千一百度无极。于诸贪淫嗔恚愚痴等分四种众生。各以此二千一百度无极。教化而开觉之。合成八千四百度无极。一变为十。总成八万四千度无极法门。此之法门。为三界无上良药。为百千种人除八万四千尘劳也。 释迦牟尼佛灭度后,遗体火化结成舍利。公元前三世纪,阿育王统一印度后,为弘扬佛法,将佛的舍利分成八万四千份,使诸鬼神于南阎浮提,分送世界各国建塔供奉。中国有十九处,法门寺为第五处。 【共修功德】 很多佛经中记载过,比如七个人一同发心造一座佛塔,那么他们以及随喜他们的每个人都分别得到造一座佛塔的功德,如果七个人共同杀一条生命,那么他们以及随喜他们的每个人都分别得到杀一条生命的果报。也就是说参加共修的同修每人都可以得到共修的功德利益。 对大多数在家修行的佛子,由于世俗琐事牵累,很难有机缘念修足量的圣号和心咒,甚至很多道友没有早晚功课的习惯。开发学佛助手的目的之一,就是培养道友们在日常的生活中参与修行,对一些简单易行而又非常殊胜的日常修法重视起来。如念佛、诵咒、转经轮、供香、水、花、灯、果、茶等等方式。 【随喜功德】 “若于众生尊重承事,则为尊重承事如来;若令众生生欢喜者,则令一切如来欢喜菩萨;若能随顺众生,则为随顺供养诸佛。”——《华严经普贤行愿品》 普贤菩萨特别提出这一愿,教我们要修‘随喜功德’。不但不嫉妒人,更进一步知道别人的好处,就是自己的好处,一定要成人之美。随喜,不单是看到别人的善行、善事,能够生欢喜心,还要尽心尽力促成他、帮助他。 【回向用途】 佛法里面对于回向非常重视,为什么要回向?回向是把心量放大,破执着。我们要发菩提心,把自己修学的功德、布施的功德,一生当中所作大大小小的善业,都回向给“上报四重恩,下济三途苦”。学习佛法,要用心回向,把自己所行的善业回转、归向到随顺于自他成佛的方向。无论是念经、持咒、拜忏或持佛菩萨的圣号,或做什么慈善好事之后,即使是纤毫之善你都要赶快回向。 佛在《慧海请问经》中说:“譬如水滴落大海,大海未竭彼不尽,如是回向菩提善,未得菩提亦不尽。”一切善根悉皆回向,供养功德才能圆满。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 【八万四千 修行助手】 是一款专为广大佛教信众提供的日常修持工具,由佛学专业人士和经验丰富的软件开发团队共同开发,并得到多位高僧和精进居士的关心和指导。志在解决广大用户在念诵佛经等日常修持中功课记录管理散乱,难以回溯历程等问题。我们将根据用户的反馈不断开发佛经大全,佛经佛音大全,佛经梵音,念佛机,拜佛,礼佛,听佛经,听佛音,佛历,佛教交友,等新功能,让广大用户的日常佛学修行更加方便、精进。 微信公众号: 八万四千 官方QQ群: 218551128 官方网址: http://www.84000app.com
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